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L'Auberge de Sedona
  • Mar 3 2025
  • Mar 4 2025
  • 2 guests selected
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Introduction to Crystals Header Item 1

Holistic Experiences

Holistic Experiences

Be immersed in a pristine forest environment and embark on a personal journey of discovery during a private sensory healing experience or metaphysical instruction. Connect with nature, balance your chakras through the sounds of crystal bowls, stretch, strengthen, and reconnect to your mind, body, and breath. These are just a few of the experiences waiting for you at L’Apothecary Spa in tranquil, magical Sedona.

Explore nourishing spa packages that combine a signature spa treatment with a one of a kind holistic experience with our Paths of Possibility here>>




Sound Healing

Holographic Alchemy of Sounds

During this truly magical sound healing session, an energy healer utilizes vocal harmonics and various vibrational instruments to assist you in aligning with your highest self and accessing the self-healing power. Working with holographic alchemy, sacred geometry, the Hathors and the Angelic Realms, you guide channels Cosmic Energy to cleanse and balance all of your chakras and energetic fields, bringing your frequencies into alignment for optimal health and vitality. This can be beneficial for any type of physical ailment or pain, dis-ease or illness, mental or emotional issues, and any blocks in the energetic body. Each session is unique and intuitively guided to be tailored to your specific needs. You can expect to feel deep relaxation, inner peace and connection to the Divine Energy that exists within you.

60 minutes, $225 for 1-2 guests, $50 for each additional guest.

Larger group offerings available, please contact the spa to schedule.

Holistic Experiences

Soul Whispers Tarot Journey

Step into this personalized experience, designed to instill the tools for accessing abundance, love and connection and awakening the power within. Draw your Tarot and Oracle cards and open your mind and heart to receive beautiful messages for your soul and body. Uncover patterns and truths, and experience a new, true connection to yourself in a more profound way.

60 minutes, $300 for 1 guest, $450 for 2 guests, $575 for 3-4 guests

Sound Healing Bowls

Sound Healing

Sound Healing uses the energy of sound to promote wellness in the human system through various techniques. This signature sensory healing experience begins with a brief discussion of primordial sound healing and moves into a few simple interactive practices of toning and mantra, allowing new discoveries of yourself to surface. Using sound bowls and different instruments, guests are taken to a new level of relaxation and enlightenment. This session is a wonderful way to introduce yourself to a sound healing session.

60 minutes, $195 for 1-2 guests
90 minutes, $295 for 1-2 guests

Holistic Experiences 1

Unleash Your Visions Workshop

Delve deeper into yourself and the bonds of friendship with a masterclass that combines intention setting with crystal meditation and creative journaling. Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do, and paired with physical reminders of your intention your focus on life will expand and blossom. You will work with highly skilled practitioners to fill a keepsake box with physical reminders of your intentions. This compilation of meaningful objects will serve as a reminder of ideals, which will continue to flourish once returning home. Boxes will include the following:
– A written positive affirmation based on private discussion with masterclass practitioner
– A crystal chosen based on what you are seeking
– A L’Apothecary Spa custom scent blended with essential oils
– A journal or sketch book started with a journaling guide to continue your journey towards manifestation
– A chakra bracelet as a physical reminder of your time in Sedona and your affirmation created

120 minutes, $400 for 1 guest, $200 for additional guests
Workshop must be booked 7 days in advance

Holistic Experiences 2

Human Design Reading

Learn your unique energetic blueprint, and discover how understanding your Human Design can assist you in flowing through life with more ease, grace, and a deeper understanding of your unique ways of functioning. Human Design is a science that incorporates tropical astrology, the IChing, the Hindu energy centers and the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Understanding your Human Design will show you how you are energetically designed to move through life and your unique style of making decisions. It shows you how to hone in on your inner authority and listen to the wisdom of your body. This journey includes an intentional heart-opening meditation and a printed report of your Human Design and Body Graph. Please have date of birth, place of birth and time of birth available at time of booking. 

90 minutes, $300

Resort 3

Human Design Composite Chart

A composite chart reading will show how the energies are designed to flow between two specific people. Two charts are laid on top of each other, creating a third chart. This shows where each person will be influenced by the other’s energies and the specific types of energetic connections present. Having an awareness of the way our energies are naturally designed to flow with another person, can allow for a deeper understanding and acceptance of this connection and of each other, which will lead to a more harmonious flow of energies between two people. Please have date of birth, place of birth and time of birth available at time of booking. 

2 hours, $500 for 2 guests

Holistic Experiences 3

Vibrational Therapy Sound Healing

This one-on-one Vibrational Therapy session promotes deep relaxation, relieves tension and stress and soothes the nervous system. Himalayan Bowls are placed directly on and around the body, creating multiple tones and frequencies felt deeply throughout the body for a powerfully tranquil experience. A Chakra Attunement with the Chakra Tuning forks will clear and revitalize all of your Chakras. Several other instruments may be used to submerse you in beautiful and restorative frequencies. This therapeutic session can be powerfully healing and is beneficial for clearing any energetic blockages, easing stress or pain, and bringing your energies back into alignment and harmony.

60 minutes, $270 for 1 guest

Holistic Experiences 5

Shamanic Drum Reiki

A unique combination of reiki and sound vibration. The session begins with a thorough energetic chakra clearing with a frame drum over the body and proceeds with a realignment of the chakras using universal life force energy.

60 minutes, $225 for 1 guest

Holistic Experiences 4

7 Bowls for 7 Chakras

This beautiful and unique healing journey assists with aligning your true and authentic selves, and deeper sense of wellbeing. Experience a complete realignment of your 7 major energy centers through this blend of aromatherapy, crystal intention, guided visualization and sound vibration. In this immersive, multisensory spiritual voyage, performed in a sacred space, you’ll experience the sound of 7 crystal singing bowls, chanting and drumming.

90 minutes, for 6 or more guests. Pricing based on group size.

Whispers of the Earth Oracle card reading

Whispers of the Earth Oracle Card Reading

Step into a sacred space at L’Apothecary Spa, where you will receive a heart-centered message tailored just for you. Guided by intuition, your Spiritual Consultant will select an oracle deck uniquely suited to your journey, using the cards to reveal insights that support clarity, peace, and healing. This session invites you to come with an open heart and mind, creating space for deep, personal healing and empowering guidance for your path ahead.

60 minutes, $225

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao Ceremony

This holistic ceremony begins with a brief history of the sacred cacao ceremony, setting the stage for a powerful experience. You’ll be invited to sit with the sacred superfood of cacao, the essence of chocolate, as you engage in meditation and heart-opening activities that prepare you to fully embrace cacao. Consumed in this mindful way, cacao gently opens the heart, deepening feelings of love and gratitude. It fosters a profound connection with yourself, enhancing authentic bonds with others.

90 minutes, $350 1-2 guests

Movement & Mindfulness

Two women practicing yoga on a sunny deck

Customized Yoga

Join one of our highly trained instructors on a distinctive journey of you -nourishing your mind and body through an energetic practice. This unique Sedona yoga session can focus primarily on the physical, the emotional, or the spiritual, all based on your personal intention for pursuing a practice that connects your breath to your body and mind. (Up to 4 guests.)

Novice to Intermediate, 60 minutes, $175
Intermediate to Advance, 90 minutes, $250 / 120 minutes, $300

English and Spanish speaking instructors available.

Creekside Yoga

Customized Meditation

Enhance your current practice or learn new methods to promote relaxation and well-being. Methods include guiding imagery, pranayama, and sound healing. Novice to Advanced.

60 minutes, $170 for 1-2 guests

Signature Experiences 6

Connecting with Nature – Shinrin-Yoku

L’Apothecary Spa, set amidst towering woods and flowing creek, affords matchless spa experiences such as bathing in nature. Referred to as “Shinrin-Yoku” in Japan, it is the practice of channeling nature’s essence for the wellness it provides. It focuses on soaking in the essence of the forest (rather than the literal sense of taking a bath in the middle of the forest). A certified Shinrin-Yoku facilitator guides you, immersing you in the natural forest environment to elicit scientifically proven benefits like reduced blood pressure and stress, boosted immune system function, and improved sleep. The experience disconnects you from the world, allowing connections with nature and providing healing practices you can utilize in everyday life. Your session includes an eco-journal to record your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Dress appropriately for the weather with comfortable clothing and shoes. Novice to Advanced

60 minutes, $190 (up to 4 guests)

Woman meditating on rock face overlooking Sedona red rocks

Shamanic Breathwork

Memories and states that arise are guided by the flow of higher consciousness. Your journey may revive memories, release trapped tension, and resolve inner conflicts. The breath is deep and continuous, and coaching brings you back to breath focus.  This activity is performed as guests are primarily lying down.

75 minutes, $170 (up to 4 guests)

a Private Yoga exercise on the SpiritSong terrace

Transformational Breathwork

Transformational Breathwork unfolds in a series of gentle floor yoga poses paired with breathing exercises. The universal breath connects with conscious breath and begins to free trapped patterns and restrictions. As one lets go and becomes partners with the breath, each breath is welcomed, each breath heals. Joy asserts itself as our true nature. We are reminded of our power to self-heal, to release tensions, and to feel at home. Breath is our tool to self-heal and is our very life itself.

75 minutes, $225 (up to 4 guests)

L'Apothecary Spa Aqua Yoga

Aqua Yoga

Engage in a low-impact aquatic exercise with a certified practitioner guiding you through yoga poses, yoga breathwork and floating meditation, all performed in calm water. Aqua Yoga poses will assist in developing strength, static balance, and increased range of motion with little to no impact on your joints. This exclusive opportunity requires registration by 11pm the night before scheduled classes and will be offered in the L’Apothecary Spa pool to guests of L’Auberge de Sedona.

60 minutes, $45 (Call spa to book, view available times on Guest Activity Calendar here>>)

Vista Cottage Yoga

In-Room Experiences

Embrace the calm and luxurious interior of your cottage, representative of Sedona’s tranquil scenery, while experiencing an in-room holistic experience.