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L'Auberge de Sedona
  • Mar 14 2025
  • Mar 15 2025
  • 2 guests selected
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Active Yoga and Meditation

Active Yoga and Meditation This session incorporates traditional yoga poses using flexibility and balance to help with overall wellness. There are standing and sitting poses and is appropriate for all levels. A relaxing meditation will follow the practice.

Herbs, Oils and Magic

Herbs, Oils and Magic Elevate your healing and life journeys by embracing the magic of herbs and oils. Create a sachet or tea to take with you. Many remedies are based on plants, from mint for tummy upset to rose for higher vibration, this class gives you a little lesson in magic.

Design and Create Your Own Chakra Bracelet

Design and Create Your Own Chakra Bracelet Discover the meaning of each of the 7 Chakra's and create your own Chakra bracelet to support and balance these energy centers. A wonderful memento of your visit to Sedona.

Focus Your Power Yoga

Focus Your Power Yoga This practice is designed to use strength and power movements as well as lengthening and stretching to create a balance in our feminine and masculine nature.

Art By The Glass

Art By The Glass As part of our Artist-in-Residence program with Goldenstein Gallery, we encourage you to be the artist. Focused on creating memorable experiences through interaction and discovery, Goldenstein’s exhibits and programming are designed for guests to connect with L’Auberge, Sedona’s exciting art scene, and each other in authentic ways. Explore your creativity and […]


Artist in Residence – Rachel Tucker

Meet local Sedona artists as they work their magic, painting and sculpting masterpieces. Interact with the artists, ask questions about their work or preferred art medium, learn about art galleries in Sedona, or ask about other local art programs. Rachel Tucker Rachel Tucker grew up in a rural area where she spent most of her […]

Design and Create Your Own Chakra Bracelet

Design and Create Your Own Chakra Bracelet Discover the meaning of each of the 7 Chakra's and create your own Chakra bracelet to support and balance these energy centers. A wonderful memento of your visit to Sedona.

Strength through Movement Yoga

Strength through Movement Yoga A series of poses that help strengthen and tone the body, using movement and flow to focus your energy. This creates a connection with the inner Divine Masculine and our own self-empowerment.

Sedona Plein Air Festival

Sedona Arts Center invites you to be inspired and experience master artists painting at the 18th Annual Sedona Plein Air Festival. Sedona is a sublime environment with stunning beauty and the Sedona Arts Center has roots going back 63 years to the founding of Sedona’s identity as an ‘art colony’. Our community’s iconic and creative […]

Focus Your Power Yoga

Focus Your Power Yoga This practice is designed to use strength and power movements as well as lengthening and stretching to create a balance in our feminine and masculine nature.

Symphony of Sound for the Soul

Symphony of Sound for the Soul Release stress & realign with your inner peace through this eclectic selection of voice, drumming, native flutes and crystal bowls. A sound journey designed to rejuvenate your soul.

QiGong Healing and Meditation

QiGong Healing and Meditation QiGong meditation is an ancient Chinese healing practice that combines meditation, controlled breathing, and gentle movement. Practice QiGong to strengthen the immune system and restore energy.