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L'Auberge de Sedona
  • Mar 6 2025
  • Mar 7 2025
  • 2 guests selected
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Yoga Nidra / Gentle Yoga

Yoga Nidra / Gentle Yoga This is a combination of an ancient, guided meditation style called ‘yogic sleep’ that Yogi’s use even today to allow them to rest the mind […]

Holiday Tree Lighting

Join us as we embrace the spirit of the holidays with a festive Tree Lighting Ceremony at L'Auberge de Sedona on Sunday, December 5, 2021 from 5:00 pm - 7:00pm. […]

Sedona Energy Healing and Vortexes

Sedona Energy Healing and Vortexes Presentation on how energy healing techniques such as Reiki can support stress reduction and optimize health and the meaning and significance of Chakra’s. We will […]

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga A gentler style of hatha yoga practice. It is performed at a slower pace, with less intense positions, and will include extended time for meditation, yogic breath work, […]

Creative Journaling

Creative Journaling Journal in the Present Moment is a 1-hour journaling experience for guests at L'Auberge given by Libby Caldwell. For Libby, the idea of immersion and engaging all the […]

Yoga Nidra / Gentle Yoga

Yoga Nidra / Gentle Yoga This is a combination of an ancient, guided meditation style called ‘yogic sleep’ that Yogi’s use even today to allow them to rest the mind […]


Pilates This Pilates offering lengthens and stretches all the major muscle groups in the body in a balanced fashion. It improves flexibility, strength, balance and body awareness.

2022 Astrology Forecast

2022 Astrology Forecast This will be a presentation of Astrological insights into the upcoming year of 2022. What you can expect globally, in the environment and for you personally. Astrology […]

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga A gentler style of hatha yoga practice. It is performed at a slower pace, with less intense positions, and will include extended time for meditation, yogic breath work, […]

Art Tour

Art Tour Stroll through the L’Auberge grounds with Goldenstein Gallery staff to enjoy a unique art experience curated by Linda Goldenstein. A natural art gallery set beyond interior walls and […]

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga A gentler style of hatha yoga practice. It is performed at a slower pace, with less intense positions, and will include extended time for meditation, yogic breath work, […]