Sedona Cigar Experience
L’Auberge de Sedona is the premiere destination in Sedona for cigar aficionados and novices alike. After several months of research and selection we now offer an exclusive cigar experience set to enjoy on the patio of your private cottage.
Cigar, like food & wine, is an art that must be respected for its tradition. Evidence shows that the Mayan civilization in Mexico used pipes to smoke around 100 A.D, likewise the tradition was discovered to be enjoyed by Christopher Columbus in Cuba, 1492. The cigar as we know it today was born in Sevilla, Spain, in 1676 where thousands of laborers gave birth to the cigar industry.
This one-of-a-kind experience was created exclusively for L’Auberge de Sedona with the finest vintage and classic cigars available. The highest priority is to make your smoking experience one of complete satisfaction and pure relaxation.
Custom Cigar Experiences
Groomsmen get-together
Bachelor weekend
Golf excursion
Arrival amenity
Cress on Oak Creek Experiences
From creekside private dining to a cigar experience, Cress offers a myriad of pleasures to tempt and satisfy your palate.
Sedona Libations
Explore our hand-crafted wine list, the area’s most extensive wine program, along with destination inspired cocktails all set to enjoy creekside, around a collective firepit or in our lobby bar.
Sunday Brunch
Relax creekside as the birds chirp and the trees sway overhead while you sip coffee or a mimosa and delight in an exquisite brunch menu.
Creekside Dining
Experience a seasonal prix fixe dinner menu designed with dishes from the southern regions of Spain, Italy, and France and infused with local ingredients.